In My Neck of the Woods-places and events

Live in the great state of Massachusetts or planning on visiting soon? Here's a link to the beautiful Fall foliage---places to get a good look and events to attend!

Happenings of interest in the New England area that I call home! Please share the same from the your neck of the woods. We live in a wonderful world with so many things to see, places to visit and people to get acquainted with. What is going on where you are? What caught your eye and made you catch your breath? What made you smile? Let us know so we can, too. Our Earth is large enough to hold a lot of simple joys--in your neck of the woods and in mine.

What September 19th and a trip to a New England 
apple orchard gave to me: 

It’s Autumn. There is just something so very wonderful and charming about this time of year. It begins with the change in the air—that sense of chill which brings thoughts of mulled cider, Halloween costumes, apple picking and piles of leaves soon to be raked and hopefully jumped into with abandon.
Then comes the color. Oh, what amazing color. There exists no where in the world the kind of hues that a simple Autumn leaf can offer. No one is like the other, all of them examples of the beauty that exists all around us if we but open our eyes to look. Each leaf is a reminder of our youth and that aforementioned pile of leaves. How many times did I get a running head start and fly with great joy into a mountain of cushioning, colorful leaves? I never tired of it. Did you? There are days now that I think it would be a tremendous blessing if everyone had a big leaf pile at their homes or places of business all the year through. And when things got stressful, you loosened up your tie or your apron strings and you got that running head start for that pile of waiting leaves. Sometimes we forget the little pleasures in life. That’s one of the reasons the leaves fall from the trees, I think…to tell us to slow down, pick one up, look at it closely to see the wonder of creation and to remember leaf piles we once jumped into. 
And leaf piles waiting for us still.


A greeting from the scarecrow at
the end of my driveway:
Sometimes, charm is just a short
walk across the road: 

What kind of simple beauty have you seen? Email your photo with pertinent info about it to and share your finds!

Rachael, a talented photography buff from Maryland, was gracious enough to send along these wonderful photos. The plane was made by an 82-year-old retired farmer, whom I'm told has a little workshop in one of his barns on his farm in NY. He creates all kinds of folksy works of art. Time may wrap its' often heavy arms around us but it can't always take away what our hands can do. Thank you, Rachael, for these photos. I'm pleased and honored to share them with everyone!

Rachael Pecoraro, 2010

Rachael Pecoraro, 2010

Rachael Pecoraro, 2010

Rachael Pecoraro, 2010


  1. all these great pics make me want to get my camera out again! blog is really nice all around. i look forward to seeing it every day.

  2. Thanks Brian==glad you feel that way. Please visit the blog often, we love having you here! And please do get your camera out again!

  3. enjoyed perusing your blog, lorri, and talking to your mom last week.
    paul hinz
