Photo by Lorri Lewis Guarnieri-2009

Angels, who glimpse the glory and majesty of Heaven every day, gaze down in wonder when humans show compassion toward one another. To reach out to others when they need it is a great source of happiness for these creatures, winged and divine. Our acts of love and kindness have the capacity to turn the heads of angels. Imagine the grace of that. L.L.G. ~ 2009


Heaven does not make heroes. It creates human beings, all with the capacity to be a hero to one or to thousands. Each of us, by God's design, has within us the grace and gifts to do heroic acts, large and small. We can run into a burning building to save a life or we can hold the door open for the person behind us. We can walk beside someone whose traveling a rough road or we can rake leaves for our elderly neighbor. Heaven gives us what we need to be a hero, to make a difference somehow. Then it steps back to see who among us steps forward.

And recently, someone wonderful did:

The fact is, we don't hold grudges. They hold us. And the arms they're made of are painfully strong and uncommonly rough. We are not meant to stand in that embrace for very long. We will all hurt someone in the course of our lives. And we will all be wounded by someone else. These things happen, planned and unplanned. It is our nature as humans to be imperfect that way. But God also gave us the ability to forgive and to accept forgiveness. And those arms are tender beyond words, with a beauty that is Heaven inspired. In that embrace, we are free to love and to grow in the ways God hopes we can and should. If He believes in us that much, who are 
we to let Him down?

September 22, 2010 - LLG

Angel Reaching by CRG 2010

To each of us, a guardian angel is given. The job of that angel is to watch over us our whole lives and to stand by us whatever comes. This angel, a gift from Heaven, will remain beside us when we are walking the straight road and when we stumble down the crooked one. They will not judge or condemn us. They will not abandon us. Even when we have turned our backs on the One who sent them, they will hold us inside pristine, unfolded wings until 
we turn back around.


  1. This page hits home in so many ways. The words you write are not preachy at all, they just make me think about things that i need to think about. The grudges post really hit home for me. It made me cry because I have to forgive someone and it's been hard to do but if I don't then it's like we're both sad and miserable. Why is it so hard to make that move when we know it's the right thing to do?

  2. Hi Susan, I think what makes it so hard to forgive sometimes is that we all put up this wall of defense and it's thicker for some than for others. And that wall is made of pride and that feeling that we're not going to let anyone in to hurt us. So when that happens, we don't like it very much and make the wall even thicker with resentment and bitterness--and those are bricks and stones that only love and forgiveness can loosen and throw away. Those walls are a prison often times, for the one who was hurt and for the one who caused the injury. I hope you find a way to take the wall down. You deserve that. And if you think the other person does too, then that wall doesn't stand a chance.

  3. These photos are very good..very soothing...makes me think good thoughts. We all need to think good thoughts and read words like yours. God bless you for sending out this message to a world that has so much pain and sadness. You make people think that everything is going to be okay. Thank you.

  4. Phillip, If I didn't think everything was going to be okay, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. Believe in the good stuff and fight hard against the bad, every day.
